Migration and Visa Services


Migration and Visa Services

Australian Visa and Migration Services by Registered Migration Agent

We provide professional visa and migration consultancy services on different types of visa.

• Working visa for employers and employees (482 / ENS)
• Child Visa, onshore and offshore application
• Partner Visa including same sex partner and Defacto (both onshore and offshore application)
• Parent Visa (contributory parent and aged parent)
• Graduate Skill Temporary 485 / Permanent Residency
• Visitor Visa (short stay and long stay)
• AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal)

Please contact us for more information at: info@kointer.com or call 02-9262-9244 (in Australia).


Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for registered migration agents (the Code) sets the rules for your conduct as a registered migration agent. You must comply with the Code to remain on our Register.

The current code came into effect on 1 March 2022 and has been prescibed by the Migration (Migration Agents Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021. Download the Code of Conduct for registered migration agents​ (1088KB PDF).​​

Guidance on the operation of a number of sections of the Code has been prepared to assist RMAs: Guidance for 1 March 2022 Code of Conduct for registered migration agents (278KB PDF).

The key differences between the current Code and the former Code are set out in Key changes and updated definitions (154KB PDF).​ Download the former Code of Conduct for registered migration agents​ (423KB PDF).

 The Code of Conduct

 K&O Migration and Education Service is totally committed to comply with the Code of Conduct the Code) as mandated in Migration Agents Regulations 1998 No. 53 and section 314(1) of the Migration Act 1958. Please refer to the Code of Conduct at the OMARA Website for more information.

 Our clients are also informed about their rights as contained in the Consumer Guide ,Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. In dealing with our clients, we always uphold ourselves to be professional, honest and with Integrity.

To view Consumer Guide please click on the link below:


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